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How long is too long?

I have just been sat here thinking, whilst I work obviously (I am a woman and can multi task), why do your non-single friends always say the same thing ‘don’t worry you’ll find someone when you least expect it, and you know when they’re the one’ complete rubbish. I mean it is very easy for them to say as they are with someone and everything is hunky dory. I was with ‘the’ ex for 6 ½ years do they not think I thought that he was the one. We had planned our wedding, what we were going to call our kids even the name of our sodding dog for crying out loud. I know that we got together young but still that is no reason not to think they are the one. They have only been in their relationships for about 3 years; I think they can comment when they have been with them a lot longer. I firmly believe it takes you 3 years to get to know someone properly and then you can make your mind up and see how you live with them, with the mundane and nothing surprising you about them anymore and that takes its time to settle in to. I think a fair comment is after you have been with them for about 4 years plus.

I think on the outlook its best to stay single and not get attached as nothing lasts forever and you save yourself a lot of grief and heartache which is definitely better to live without. There is an old saying ‘Better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all’, absolute codswallop it is much better to never have experienced love than to have and then loose it. You can’t miss what you do not know; mind you I think they both have the same result at the end, misery, cats and a beating stick.

Well tonight I shall be dining at my friends house and drowning my cynical sorrows with a glass or two of wine and I am sure my outlook will not improve in the slightest, I need something fresh to take my mind off things. Maybe the sun will improve my mood when I go out for lunch, but I think I might just find it depressing as I have no money for retail therapy, then I suppose that’s where plastic becomes your friend.


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