Well it’s been a while since I have been bored enough in work to type down the mundane thoughts that have been going through my head. I am not as such bored in work today, as in the fact I have practically done all my work and there is not much left for me to do so I am trying to drag out the last few things over today and tomorrow.
I have as well found myself attached. Yes, even with my cynical ways, I have managed it. This guy at the moment is great but then we are in the honeymoon period as we have only been seeing each other for just over 3 months. I think give it time and we shall see. As previously stated if we are still together after 4 years then I shall be able to comment. For the time being he is brilliant, albeit several years younger than me, there is a lot to be said for the younger man. They have a lot more energy, are more daring and a lot more interesting. Also it means that you can act younger as well and they can introduce you to new things that you might have missed out on. However, there is also down sides that come along with it, for example the feeling of being old. I was looking at my blokes computer and realised that there was no floppy disc drive, I questioned this with him and of course he laughed at me saying that nobody uses them any more, to which I thought actually no they don’t really, only archaics like me I suppose from time to time. In its place were memory card readers and USB ports.
A bad thing though now that I am no longer single I have put on weight, I am now the heaviest I have ever been in my life. There are a number of tyres forming around my middle. Something has to be done, this simply isn’t good enough!!!! I should also loose it now while I can rather than waiting until I put on even more weight and approach middle age only to find out it won’t budge and I have the dreaded middle age spread.
I also have some other exciting news concerning work this time. They are opening a new gallery in December and they have used me as a basis for a sketch or a Roman woman being cremated (dear me, almost typed worm then, that would have been disturbing).
Eeep!!! I must slow down otherwise I will have no work to do tomorrow what so ever!!!!!! I dunno, hehehehehe.
Woop woop the lovely Mark has come to my rescue and provided me with more work so I will not be left destitute tomorrow and look like I am skiving with nothing to do, nothing worse really.
I am just wondering what will happen to this document if I were to die tomorrow, not a nice thought I know but would it ever be found or would it be lost on the system and then deleted without a second glance, not that it bothers me really as it’s just some ramblings. (July 2007)
I have as well found myself attached. Yes, even with my cynical ways, I have managed it. This guy at the moment is great but then we are in the honeymoon period as we have only been seeing each other for just over 3 months. I think give it time and we shall see. As previously stated if we are still together after 4 years then I shall be able to comment. For the time being he is brilliant, albeit several years younger than me, there is a lot to be said for the younger man. They have a lot more energy, are more daring and a lot more interesting. Also it means that you can act younger as well and they can introduce you to new things that you might have missed out on. However, there is also down sides that come along with it, for example the feeling of being old. I was looking at my blokes computer and realised that there was no floppy disc drive, I questioned this with him and of course he laughed at me saying that nobody uses them any more, to which I thought actually no they don’t really, only archaics like me I suppose from time to time. In its place were memory card readers and USB ports.
A bad thing though now that I am no longer single I have put on weight, I am now the heaviest I have ever been in my life. There are a number of tyres forming around my middle. Something has to be done, this simply isn’t good enough!!!! I should also loose it now while I can rather than waiting until I put on even more weight and approach middle age only to find out it won’t budge and I have the dreaded middle age spread.
I also have some other exciting news concerning work this time. They are opening a new gallery in December and they have used me as a basis for a sketch or a Roman woman being cremated (dear me, almost typed worm then, that would have been disturbing).
Eeep!!! I must slow down otherwise I will have no work to do tomorrow what so ever!!!!!! I dunno, hehehehehe.
Woop woop the lovely Mark has come to my rescue and provided me with more work so I will not be left destitute tomorrow and look like I am skiving with nothing to do, nothing worse really.
I am just wondering what will happen to this document if I were to die tomorrow, not a nice thought I know but would it ever be found or would it be lost on the system and then deleted without a second glance, not that it bothers me really as it’s just some ramblings. (July 2007)