It was the night before Christmas Eve
All the creatures were stirring even the burlesque tease
The stockings were hitched up the legs with great care
Hoping everyone would be in good cheer.
The guests were snuggled and of all ages
While visions of steam punk burlesque danced on the stage
With people in their fishnets and some with top hats
It was a glorious sight as a matter of fact.
When from the side of the stage there arose a clatter
The band was now playing getting better and better
Away to the dance floor we flew like a flash
Bopping and jiving with a slight Russian sash.
The evening was quick to draw to an end
However we made a good couple of friends
Their car pulled up and numbers exchanged
We had to run to catch our train
We were too late as the train just pulled away
Another hour we would have to stay
To the chippie we went to have our fill
Then to the waiting room against our will
One more hour our train was delayed,
Luckily we were merry so we weren’t enraged
A young lad was there he was such a bore
I said to my friend we’ll be home before four.
Our train arrived we made it on quick
With everyone on board we were off in a tick
We pulled into the station with much elation
We were home and tired but it was a joyous occasion.
All the creatures were stirring even the burlesque tease
The stockings were hitched up the legs with great care
Hoping everyone would be in good cheer.
The guests were snuggled and of all ages
While visions of steam punk burlesque danced on the stage
With people in their fishnets and some with top hats
It was a glorious sight as a matter of fact.
When from the side of the stage there arose a clatter
The band was now playing getting better and better
Away to the dance floor we flew like a flash
Bopping and jiving with a slight Russian sash.
The evening was quick to draw to an end
However we made a good couple of friends
Their car pulled up and numbers exchanged
We had to run to catch our train
We were too late as the train just pulled away
Another hour we would have to stay
To the chippie we went to have our fill
Then to the waiting room against our will
One more hour our train was delayed,
Luckily we were merry so we weren’t enraged
A young lad was there he was such a bore
I said to my friend we’ll be home before four.
Our train arrived we made it on quick
With everyone on board we were off in a tick
We pulled into the station with much elation
We were home and tired but it was a joyous occasion.