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Eeeep When Did I Become a Grown Up????

Just having a bit of reflection and before I know it I am doing grown up things like getting a joint bank account and buying my first house with the fantastic Mr Bus.  How on earth did this happen?  It’s like it crept up behind me when I wasn’t looking and there it is….Adulthood.

Now, I have to say that I think there are many benefits of being a “Grown Up”, you can eat what you want when you want to, and you can drink alcohol and earn your own money.  These are all things I have come to love.  I do not miss really my student days of scraping by, having no money relying on the stupid Student Loans Company and a little part time job to make ends meet.  Also I do not miss the restrictiveness of still being in school.  I am pleased my days of exams (hopefully) are over.

However, all this said I do miss the ignorance of youth and the simple life that comes with it, that all you have to worry about is if you have done your homework and if people will like you.  Of course I am one of the lucky ones I think as I didn’t really get bullied, I think some people tried but I have thicker skin than that.  I mean I was called names but nothing more really.  I suppose they did have a resounding effect on me as I can still remember them: Lego head, evil eyes, bride of Satan, child of Satan and singing at me Whey hey we’re the monkeys.  I look back on these and laugh to be honest.

I remember the strange feeling when I finished university, it was bizarre not having to do any course work or studying in the evenings or weekends and having them to myself.  I think this is also a reason why I wouldn’t want a job working weekends or evenings, I have got too used to having them free now.  I did try and fill this space at first with lots of projects but it’s become bliss not having to do anything with this time if I don’t want to and I don’t have to feel guilty about it either.

So this time of change I go forth into the phase of proper responsibility having to pay a mortgage, bye bye to the rental world of seemingly dead money to invest in our own property and home.  The stress this is bringing though I do wonder why people move house, I have told the fantastic Mr Bus that we wouldn’t be moving on anytime soon until I have forgotten the trauma of this time round and we have had it quite easy really.

Also I think a sign of getting old is when you become excited about home ware and in particular things for the kitchen.  I remember receiving a really good Pyrex dish for Christmas off my Nan one year and loving it thinking it would be ideal for me to make pasta bakes and lasagne in.  For my birthday just gone I received a cake pop maker and a pie maker, once we’re in our new home I can’t wait to try them out!!!

The fantastic Mr Bus and I were discussing peoples homes the other day and we both agreed we hate it when peoples personalities get lost when it comes down to décor and everyone’s houses start looking the same like out of a catalogue.  People go on about things they will  have when they have their own home and the ideas on what they will do, then none of this actually happens.  So we have been determined when we get our new home this will reflect our personality and taste and we will try not to succumb to the run of the mill with ‘the sofas that everyone has’ ‘those chairs’ and ‘that cabinet from ikea’.  Photos to follow on our home I am sure a little teaser is we’re having a Batman bathroom and I can’t wait!!!!


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