For the fantastic Mr Bus’ birthday I decided to make him a digger cake and I have to say I was very pleased with the results, it also took less time to make than I had anticipated.
I started off baking a square Madeira cake.
I started off baking a square Madeira cake.
This I then cut in half and placed one half on top of the other to work out the length of the cab, roughly half again. I used butter icing to hold them together and then placed butter icing all over for the ready to roll icing to go on top.
With the extra square of cake left from making the main body and cab of the digger, I scooped out the middle section to create the digger bucket, then covered this in butter icing and ready roll icing on top.
I iced the main body of the digger and the bucket and then attached the bucket using two rolls of icing for the arms. I used a food colouring pen for the initial detail on the digger and filled the bucket with rainbow drops and popping candy. I placed melted chocolate on the cake stand and sprinkled in popping candy for effect. Woop woop one digger cake ready to roll.