Well I am taking part in the 100 days challenge, but I am not tending to blog about it (lol sounds like brag). I am finding it not too bad. I have decided to write a sentance to a book/short story a day. So far I am not doing too badly, however I think the story will be rubbish. Oh well, at least I am doing it. I have decided also to try and earn some extra money, this will definitley not be through my stories.
Here is another Poem to keep you entertained:-
The Tree
You stand so tall and proud
And then a guy shouts aloud
Your fall is not as graceful as a flower
You are strong and hold the power
You get chopped up into planks
To the tree we give our thanks
A bed is made
And here I lay
I am comfy
Thanks to the tree
Here is another Poem to keep you entertained:-
The Tree
You stand so tall and proud
And then a guy shouts aloud
Your fall is not as graceful as a flower
You are strong and hold the power
You get chopped up into planks
To the tree we give our thanks
A bed is made
And here I lay
I am comfy
Thanks to the tree