I would say that since becoming pregnant I have noticed the demands and pressures placed on people more by ‘society’ but to be honest I noticed them before this and always thought it backward thinking and not progressive. Having talked to a number of different women about this, friends and acquaintance I am not too sure where this is coming from. It would seem in this day and age that there are still pressures put on people by ‘society’. Who are society and why are they putting in place these pressures? You may be wondering what pressures I am on about. Well… You Must Go To University This seems to be the first one people come across. Yes going to university is all well and good in one respect. However, there is a lot to be said for not going to university. You can make money straight away; you can enrol on an apprenticeship and even learn a trade. These are all still viable ways to start your career and sometimes the better op...