Ok, after spending a lot of time lately going through my box set of sex and the city which my wonderful boyfriend purchased for me, I have been inspired to blog. Now I claim to def not be any Carrie Bradshaw, but I do like to waffle. I had a delightful girls night in last night and watching a few episodes of the BBC's adaptation and in my opinion the one and only true version of Pride and Prejudice, with cocktails and delightful pink fizz, we obviously chatted about our own lives. This made me realise that I am really happy with my life at the moment and I can't really pick faults with it. Yes there are things I want but I am not in any rush to get them. Is this what happens when you approach 30, you become more settled and laid back? I had to save my friend from herself and in a delicate way tell her life is stressfull enough without adding to it and thinking your bed linen has to match the colour of your bedroom. I said sod it, I just buy the duvet set if I like it and so...